Getting your First Blog up


Blogs are essential for digital marketing campaigns, not only do they generate more traffic to your website, but they also help your audience see that you are an expert in the field. So, what are you waiting for?! For those of you who wish to get started and are still unsure how, here are some points that can help you set up your first blog post:

Write what you Know

When writing your first blog it is best to choose a subject you are knowledgeable and passionate about. Keep in mind that your blog has not reached a level of credibility yet, but if you go for topics that you are sure of, you will show your audience that you are a leader in the field.

Start off with Low-Volume Keywords

For your blogs to rank in Google search results, go for low-volume and long-tail keywords. This means that you're looking for keywords that are two words or longer, hence more specific to your target audience. There are many tools that can help you get the best keywords to build your blog around.

Get Audience Intel

Through your keyword research, you'll get a better understanding of what your target audience is interested in. This will help you gauge your writing in the right direction, using the right tone of voice. The million dollar question is, what does your audience want?

Set an Outline

Decide whether you're going for text, text + images, infographics, videos, etc. Varying your writing ensures that you please different types of people. Remember that even though you have a target audience that is interested in the same subject, they'll have different preferences in how they like receiving information. Your outline helps plan your content, not just for now, but also for the future and this ensures that you remain consistent.


Now that your research is done, go ahead and write. Remember that all the points above don't have to be repeated for each and every blog. This is groundwork for all your future blogs, which should be updated every couple of months.

Once your blog is published, don't forget to share it on social channels, include it in your newsletter and add it to your stories. You can also use it as inspiration for reels and video content.

BaiLogik helps with all of this and more. We can assist you with:

  • Keyword Research
  • Brainstorming Topics
  • Branding and Tone
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Creation (written and visual)

... so we can really hold your hand through all of this whether you just need that initial push or more long-term help.

Get in touch on and we can help you get your blog running and accessible to the Maltese audience!